Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Ron Carter - Empire Jazz (1980)

Ron Carter interpretations of John Williams' themes from The Empire Strikes Back, accompanied by a stellar line-up consisting of Jon Faddis, Joe Shepley, Eddie Bert, Hubert Law, Frank Wess, Bob James, Jay Berliner, Ralph MacDonald and Billy fucking Cobham. Quite a relaxing and easy-listening record.

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Sunday, 13 May 2018

Aura Noir - Black Thrash Attack (1996)

Blackened thrash from the unholy depths of Norway. While there's enough BM elements in here to make it black metal, thrash influence reigns supreme in homage to Celtic Frost, Slayer, Sodom and Teutonic thrash co. The One Who Smite is pretty much a cover of Proselyrism Real and Angel of Death (and that's a good thing).

I am the portal 
A layer of dust 
A burdened insect that betrayed their lust 
I licked their wishes in reverie 
And soaked their crystal trust

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Six Organs of Admittance - Nightly Trembling (1999)

Meditative experimental/free folk with haunting acoustic riffs and hypnotic chanting which gets into weird mantra folk jams at times. Because of stuff like this, I view SOAA to the folk realm what Om is to doom/stoner.

It is only necessary to destroying oneself the roots of those motives which determine a man's course, in order to enjoy the omnipotence and immunity of a god